location: Munich, Germany
duration: 11/11/2014 - 11/14/2014
Electronica is the world's largest event for the electronics industry, visited this year by more than 73,000 visitors from over 80 countries and 2,737 exhibitors from 50 countries. One of them was Institute of Electron Technology Division in Krakow. During the four days of the trade fair ITE has presented its products and technologies. The exhibition stand has been located in the sensor technology section.
The event has been attended by the following ESRs of the SENSEIVER project: K. Cvejin (ITE), L. Manjakkal (ITE), A. Chandran (UNS), M. Simic (NP) and included the following items as part of the project (see the poster):
Other devices designed in ITE beyond the project were also presented:
During the second day of the fair Philae lander of the Rosetta mission has landed on the 67P/Czuriumow-Gierasimienko comet and ended its 10-year yourney. On this occassion the visitors could see two types of resistors delivered by ITE's researchers for the MUPUS instrument and Philae's harpoons.
For more information about ITE's contribution to the Rosetta mission go to the Rosetta mission subpage (in Activity section) or download the poster.
RSS-18 is a battery charging controller for renewable energy systems. The controller uses MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm for optimum performance. It can handle up to two energy sources, one typically being a photovoltaic array. The other source can be a thermoelectric generator which generates electricity from waste heat from furnaces, fireplaces, motors, etc. The controller is based on LT8490 integrated circuit, and it has been exhibited during the fair by Linear Technology Corporation as part its solar lead acid battery charger with gas gauge. RSS-18 has been developed in cooperation with ZAMEL company, which is commercializing it.
Further, a live demonstration of pH sensors and readout system has been set up inside the stand and made available to visitors. The similar functional system was installed in the area of Lake Dobczyce which provides water for the city of Kraków (see the poster). The water quality measurements could been viewed using a Web browser and internet connection at the stand.
For more information go to the exhibition or laboratory subpage.
Promotional materials
A set of brochures that had been available to the fair visitors has been gathered in the attachements. Posters presented during the event are also available for download.