Laboratory of Thick Films and Multilayer LTCC Technology

Institute of Electron Technology Cracow Division



The SENSEIVER laboratory, exhibited at Electronica, allowed a real-time demonstration of various components of the SENSEIVER sensor network. The laboratory encompassed sensors  and data acquisition modules mounted on Arduino microcontroller boards. Arduinos communicated over wired Ethernet network with a Raspberry Pi computer which provided data visualization system. The data could be viewed on a provided PC computer using a Web browser. Also, the visitors could use their own cell phones to view sensor data, by connecting to a provided WiFi network and scanning a QR code.

The laboratory also included a power harvesting system using a hot water tank as a power source; both water temperature in the tank and output power of the harvester could be viewed in real time.

Components of the laboratory:

  1. A sensing node detecting carbon monoxide (ITE)
  2. A combined pH / water temperature sensor with Ethernet interface (ITE)
  3. An impedance-metric pH sensor (ITE) connected to an impedance analyzer (UNS) with Ethernet interface (ITE)
  4. A Raspberry Pi computer acting as a data collection and visualization server
  5. A PC computer used for data visualization.





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