Laboratory of Thick Films and Multilayer LTCC Technology

Institute of Electron Technology Cracow Division


About the Centre

About the Centre

Laboratory of Thick Films and Multilayer LTCC Technology (Centre of LTCC) is a technological and research unit with unique properties in the country, equipped with modern programmable equipment for producing multilayer structures, systems, and electronic components. These structures can be produced in the technology of high temperature ceramic layers and low-temperature polymer-based composites.

Low temperature co-fired ceramics is used to fabricate multilayer structures of electronic circuits with integrated connections and passive components. In this technology, all passive components of a circuit may be fabricated in a single process, which reduces the need to use SMD components and accelerates the production, while at the same time reducing its total cost. Other advantages of this solution are resistance to mechanical interactions and temperature changes  and good integration with semiconductors. Precise fabrication of passive microwave components, such as coils, filters, antennas/aerials, etc., is also possible. Additionally, LTCC enables micromechanical devices, such as sensors or actuators to be integrated inside a microsystem (MEMS). Active components may be connected to an LTCC structure containing passive components by means of die-bonding or SMT.

The Centre of LTCC has been established to conduct research in the area of multilayer ceramic electronic microcircuits and microfluidic structures, i.e. modern applications of structures fabricated by means of precise deposition of functional layers.

Multilayer LTCC circuits are made of green ceramic tape. LTCC tape with the initial thickness of ~50-250 mm is a mixture of ceramics, glass and organic carrier. Layers fulfilling different functions (e.g. conducting paths, resistors, thermal resistors, etc.) are screen-printed on individual tapes. After cutting vias, filling them with a conducting material and printing the appropriate layer, the tapes are stacked, laminated under the pressure of 200 atm and fired at ~850°C.




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